We provide
audit services to small & medium-sized Japanese subsidiaries of foreign companies.
We wish that the cases below could show you our "what we do"!
These are the examples that we have actually experienced. (They are modified to make them anonymous.)
Case 1
A European company ("Company A") has had a Japanese subsidiary ("Subsidiary A") for more than 10 years.
Several years ago, Company A seriously suffered from not being able to understand what was happening in Subsidiary A, that hadn't had an audit till then.
(the problems we found)
Subsidiary A's accounting had been solely done for the tax purposes, which had caused the problems below.
- inventory
Although Subsidiary A had a huge amount of obsolete aged inventories, it did keep their original book
values that were quite different from the actual values.
- provision
Subsidiary A didn't recognize provisions at all, even though it actually bore not a few amounts of such
- reporting
The reports that Subsidiary A prepared and sent to Company A were too simple. For example, we found
that quite large amounts were booked in items like "miscellaneous expenses", "miscellaneous profits",
"miscellaneous losses" in the income statements.
- inventory
Subsidiary A has started to have actual values on its accounting books and to adjust them to the values
that are allowed by the tax laws. This modification is only done in their tax returns and the temporary
differences between the accounting books and the tax returns are presented as deferred tax assets with
the effective tax rate multiplied.
Because obsolete items were clearly seen, Subsidiary A has begun physically disposing unnecessary
items since then. Now inventory is well controlled in Subsidiary A.
- provision
Subsidiary A has started to recognize necessary provisions on its books. As like inventory, they are
modified in the tax returns as temporary differences.
- reporting
The reports that are submitted to Company A have been compiled by us since then, as it is a little bit
difficult for Subsidiary A with its limited resources.